Hi! My name is Sharon
I am an Author, a Trainer and Master Practitioner of NLP Neuro Linguistic Programming, TLT® Time Line Therapy®, NLP Coaching. I am a Trainer and Master Hypnotherapist, Master Trainer of NLBT® Neuro Linguistic Behavioural Therapy®
I grew up on a farm where thinking outside the box was a necessity, there was always a puzzle or problem of some kind, and my mum and dad were the masters of resilience and adaptability. They never gave up. If we had a sick animal it came into the house and it stayed there until it was well, and I have many stories to tell. Pop over to the blog page for just one or two of my stories... It was growing up that I learned about the Law of Attraction, although I didn't know the science behind it back then. By the time I was 20 I was married and we began an adventure that is still going today, over 40 years later. We had 2 daughters and 4 grandchildren, and yes, there are some stories about them too in the blogs. I was always a dream chaser, so I have had many careers, and yes you have guessed it - pop over to the blogs for more.
Today I use all the experience and wisdom I have collected over the years to help my clients to become the best version of themselves. I work with adults, children, businesses, schools and families to teach them how to solve problems by changing their thinking and introducing strategies for success, whether that be addictions or chronic behaviours such as excessive anger or phobias, depression, bullying or even passing exams or assessments. In order to reach more people on this planet I have taken my business online where you can have a consultation or take a course, It's a very exciting time for me. I'm also very much a hands on Nana and amateur Beekeeper - I see you heading over to the blogs again
2023 is a big one for me. I've been acknowledged by Passion Vista Magazine who include as one of their Women Leaders to look up to in 2023. I'm also presenting Recycle Your Day children's book and workbook at the NLP International Conference in May 2023. If you would like to attend, pm me or follow the link. We have a fabulous NLP Practitioner Certification Training (in-person) in Canberra in July 2023, and I would love to see you there. I never teach more than 20 students at a time, so seats really are limited.
Sharon Glasswell

What People Say

You the Conqueror

Sharon is amazing at what she does! She shifted my mindset and supported me to make quick and effective changes that directly affected my success in my business. I am incredibly grateful and would highly recommend her to anyone!

Angela M

Long term Demon’s from the past and suffocatingly stifling self imposed shackles, removed and disempowered…learnings from them retained and are now a positive inspiration and motivation in my life…proof positive of this was almost immediate, right in front of my eyes!! Cannot thank you enough for sharing your gift & wisdom, coupled with heartfelt genuine support during the journey…Bless your beautiful heart Sharon…forever grateful!
Sonya B

I would highly recommend Sharon to anyone who would like to conquer their battle with anxiety! Sharon has helped me through my battle of anxiety and has changed my life! Thank you so much for being such a wonderful caring person Sharon xx

Janaree P

Thank you Sharon for a wonderful coaching session on Tuesday. It has put me into gear and has outlined exactly what I need to do, to get to my goal. You are an expert in your field. I’m looking forward to more sessions to come.

Jessica C

Sharon has helped me change my life and has started my healing process with the disease I have! I can’t recommend her more highly! AMAZING!

Kylie S

I have had a terrible fear of driving that has held me back from so many things in life. And Sharon sorted it out in just one session.

Cindy C

Recyle Your Day

This delightful little book has a valuable message for us all. While it is a children’s book, the lessons of compassion and understanding contained within are equally applicable to adults. I highly recommend this book for anyone seeking to better understand themselves and their fellow humans.

Amanda H

Recycle Your Day shows children that they have the power to shape their daily interactions with others and recognize when someone else needs their support and kindness. They can make a difference, they can make an impact on their world, they can take a “bad day” and recycle it into a new better and brighter day. And what a valuable lesson that is… For the young ones, and for the not so young as well.

Rosa L

Sharon’s book is a great tool to help kids to deal with their “stuff”.

Kids can hold onto negative emotions and thoughts causing learning and behavioural issues. Recycle Your Day helps kids let go of all the “stuff” that can weigh them down and disturb their sleep. .I’ve found the book well received by all the children I have read it to. And I always find parents enjoying these new resources and strengthening their bonds also !

Deborah C

Recycle your day is a fabulous book to help children (and adults too) sort through their emotions and problems at the end of day. I found it to be informative and a fun way for children to be able to really process and move through challenges. I loved it so much that I bought extras for friends with children too!

Blair L

What a wonderful and strong message she got! And I highly recommend her to speak on stage and share her message. It will not only change the lives of today but of future generations!


Sharon Glasswell has a powerful message that is powerful to everyone of any age. We’ve all got emotional baggage and Sharon is the perfect person to share with you the tips that will allow you to thrive and flourish in this world.

Craig J

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