Recycle Your Day Hardback Book and Activity Book


Together, the Recycle Your Day book and journal set provide an essential resource for any family’s emotional first aid kit. By teaching children how to reframe negative events and approach problems with a positive attitude, this set offers a valuable foundation for building resilience and emotional well-being.



The Recycle Your Day book and journal set is a must-have for any family looking to equip their children with essential emotional regulation skills. The book offers a fun and engaging approach to teaching children (and parents) how to reframe negative events from the day into valuable learning experiences. Through this process, children learn how to regulate their emotions and change their communication and behavior, leading to more positive outcomes in the future.

This book is particularly important in today’s world, where mental health issues are increasingly prevalent. By learning these skills at a young age, children are better equipped to handle the challenges of daily life and can develop a healthy mindset that will serve them well into adulthood.

The accompanying journal, the Recycle Your Day Problem Solving Workbook and Journal, is a practical tool that breaks down problem-solving into manageable stages. The workbook is designed to be easy to use and easy to follow, allowing children to quickly learn the problem-solving process and make it a natural part of their thought process.


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